So as my main heroine, Sally is in small part a martyr to the advent of adverse sexuality:
So, From
Motherhood to sexuality--or current lack of, or maybe overabundance of....
With the #MeToo movement now, is it that men are no longer allowed, in any instance, in any setting, and in no place to be sexually, physically, verbally, or situationally aggressive? Yes, certainly not anywhere near the work place. Men are supposed to be gentlewomen now in all settings. Which is mostly fine, I guess.
But at the same time, doesn't it seem that slowly but surely, the ONLY cultural alternative for women these days is to be as tough as, harder than, and even as violent as men? Certainly it is the primary vehicle in Hollywood these days. Nobody reveres the delicate, soft-spoken, shrinking quiet wallflower anymore. No, its Wonder Woman, Laura Croft, and any number of hyper-masculinized women who enthrall us. Social Darwinism bleeds equally now into both genders.
And how much has all this given rise to misogynistic, anonymous internet trolling and the hideous incel movement? Libedos must go somewhere to hang out. Meanwhile, sartorial slutification is ever rampant, and female erotic objectification still pervades every aspect of media attention.
So, as procreation slowly separates itself from sex, seemingly, sexplicit androgyny makes more sense.
But at the same time, I am amazed at the plethora of media saturation recently regarding transgenderhood. Yeah, Bruce Jenner is a titilating train wreck of a spectacle. As exciting as homosexuality was a generation or so ago, it hardly shocks anyone anymore. Now it's those who have delved deeply into being both sexes. So many sexposes about how enlightening it is to have lived in both skins, and indeed, I'll bet it truly is. But for me, it remains an odd thing to ponder, and overwhelms when it is so saturated in the zeitgeist. I think we should all be more sympathetic to anyone exposed to the challenges faced by those who exposes themselves as being highly different from our secure little norms. And educating the public about these otherwise hidden phenomena is good too. But there seems to be something obsessively lurid and voyeuristic recently about the extent of its focus when we're talking about such a small slice of the population.
Are we not just pandering to a quickly bored segment of entertainment addicted consumers? Sexual diversification probably does 'increase the chances of a date on Friday night'. But I am increasingly understanding the Trump voter's cultural isolation and resentment as being cast as evil, abusive, heterosexual beer-guzzling bafoons.
Maybe as someone who has never been the slightest bit aggressive in any of these ways, even to the point of reminesing that perhaps, a few times a little might have served me well, I can pose these questions? Now that we're all suffering from a political backlash of sorts, should we maybe slow down a bit, re-imagine chivalry, and recreate more appropriate outlets for the naked ape within, especially males? I mean how many of us, at least in the older generation are only here because some male in our recent genetic history pushed his feelings on the 'fairer' sex hard enough to force a connection that might have been initially resisted? But OK, probably too many of us around anyway....
So as my main heroine, Sally is in small part a martyr to the advent of adverse sexuality:
So, From
Motherhood to sexuality--or current lack of, or maybe overabundance of....
With the #MeToo movement now, is it that men are no longer allowed, in any instance, in any setting, and in no place to be sexually, physically, verbally, or situationally aggressive? Yes, certainly not anywhere near the work place. Men are supposed to be gentlewomen now in all settings. Which is mostly fine, I guess.
But at the same time, doesn't it seem that slowly but surely, the ONLY cultural alternative for women these days is to be as tough as, harder than, and even as violent as men? Certainly it is the primary vehicle in Hollywood these days. Nobody reveres the delicate, soft-spoken, shrinking quiet wallflower anymore. No, its Wonder Woman, Laura Croft, and any number of hyper-masculinized women who enthrall us. Social Darwinism bleeds equally now into both genders.
And how much has all this given rise to misogynistic, anonymous internet trolling and the hideous incel movement? Libedos must go somewhere to hang out. Meanwhile, sartorial slutification is ever rampant, and female erotic objectification still pervades every aspect of media attention.
So, as procreation slowly separates itself from sex, seemingly, sexplicit androgyny makes more sense.
But at the same time, I am amazed at the plethora of media saturation recently regarding transgenderhood. Yeah, Bruce Jenner is a titilating train wreck of a spectacle. As exciting as homosexuality was a generation or so ago, it hardly shocks anyone anymore. Now it's those who have delved deeply into being both sexes. So many sexposes about how enlightening it is to have lived in both skins, and indeed, I'll bet it truly is. But for me, it remains an odd thing to ponder, and overwhelms when it is so saturated in the zeitgeist. I think we should all be more sympathetic to anyone exposed to the challenges faced by those who exposes themselves as being highly different from our secure little norms. And educating the public about these otherwise hidden phenomena is good too. But there seems to be something obsessively lurid and voyeuristic recently about the extent of its focus when we're talking about such a small slice of the population.
Are we not just pandering to a quickly bored segment of entertainment addicted consumers? Sexual diversification probably does 'increase the chances of a date on Friday night'. But I am increasingly understanding the Trump voter's cultural isolation and resentment as being cast as evil, abusive, heterosexual beer-guzzling bafoons.
Maybe as someone who has never been the slightest bit aggressive in any of these ways, even to the point of reminesing that perhaps, a few times a little might have served me well, I can pose these questions? Now that we're all suffering from a political backlash of sorts, should we maybe slow down a bit, re-imagine chivalry, and recreate more appropriate outlets for the naked ape within, especially males? I mean how many of us, at least in the older generation are only here because some male in our recent genetic history pushed his feelings on the 'fairer' sex hard enough to force a connection that might have been initially resisted? But OK, probably too many of us around anyway....
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