OK So this blog is initially to help support my novel, Ten Years After the Future, coming out on Rogue Phoenix Press, hopefully in February '18. Of course, more about that later-- It was dedicated to my loving mother Lula Marshall, seen here at 92, at Ocean Beach in San Francisco. So first, some thoughts on motherhood-- Reduced to its basics, motherhood is mankind's most sacred mission--transferring human genes through procreation to survive into future generations. As biological imperative it is regarded as the most noble and selfless act, nurturing, caring for, and sacrificing on the personal level, so that we all ontologically can flourish and live on. The act is considered pure sacrifice and love. But can it also be seen as the most special privilege, offering the greatest rewards and satisfaction all on its own? Saying that raising a child is such a 'sacrifice' and as "the hardest job in the ...
Showing posts from August, 2017